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Blue Skies and Yellow Fields

Our History

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The First Baptist Church of Sussex has a long and, in some respects, a peculiar history. About the year 1749, a number of persons withdrew from the Established Church (Congregational) of Mansfield, Connecticut, and organized a separate or independent church. In 1751 they came to New Jersey and settled in Sussex County. The following year the question of believer’s baptism was strongly discussed, resulting in the immersion of the pastor, William Marsh, and a number of others, and in the formation of a Baptist Church on November 14, 1756. The members of this Church lived in widely separated sections of the county. As the numbers increased it was decided to build two Meeting Houses, one near Hardyston and another at Augusta. For many years the pastor preached at each of these places. In 1777 the original congregation built a Meeting House in Papakating, near Deckertown (now Sussex).


This building was used until 1882. In those days it was usual to have baptism in the Walkill River, and on Sabbaths the people would congregate on the banks to watch the impressive ceremony as converts followed their Lord in baptism.


From time to time, as the group of members in a district increased, they were given letters of dismission to form their own congregation. Among these were groups in Mt. Salem, Beemerville,

and Hamburg. The Augusta (now Newton) group also organized as a separate church. In 1870, the Rev. G. L. Love, the pastor, began to hold services in halls in Deckertown. The attendance grew until it was decided to erect a building in town. The cornerstone was laid with impressive ceremony in 1882, and the building was completed and dedicated Feb. 21, 1883. The Papakating Meeting House was closed after having served 106 years.


The Rev. James Bristow became the church's pastor in 1898, and under his able leadership the Church prospered. He planned the remodeling and enlargement of the church, completing it and

rededicating the building in 1903.


In 1939, during the pastorate of the Rev. Alexander Graham, an addition was added for social functions, and a dining room with a completely equipped kitchen attached. The basement of

the Sunday School room was remodeled for the primary department. In Oct. 1956, the Church purchased the house and property situated between the parsonage and the Church building. The house been named “Baptist Fellowship House” and is used as a meeting place for smaller Church groups and as an annex to the Sunday Church School. (The above facts were compiled by the Rev. J. Kenneth Mart from the Church Minute Books, an unbroken record since 1782. “The First Book, 1756-81” was lost; but the events covered by it were recorded in the “Second Book” by the original founders and members still living in 1782).


Words can not express the level of gratitude and appreciation that I have in heart right now for each of you. Thank you for coming out to share in this special occasion with me and the First Baptist Church of Sussex. Thank you to the virtual sanctuary for tuning in to be present for a time such as this. Your presence is so very important. I praise and thank God for my husband Deacon Steven D. Brewer and for my family, Minister Yolanda for speaking on behalf of the family. Thank you Deacon Southerland and Deacon Hatton for speaking on behalf of my parents, and to everyone who brought greetings. I thank God for my New Hope Baptist Church family who has been there with me from the beginning of my ministerial journey, and my Pastor, the Rev. Dr. Drew Kyndall Ross. I am also very grateful to the Rev. Dr. M. Frances Manning-Fontaine for her pastoral leadership. I praise God for my other church home, the Memorial Baptist Church, Harlem, the place where I was blessed to serve in leadership with Pastor, Rev. Dr. Renee F. Washington Gardner and so many others. Thank you to Pastor Christopher James Brown, Sr. and Lady Kenya for sharing this morning.


Thank you to all of the participants for being a part of this special. Everyone’s presences has brought my heart great joy. Thank you to the First Baptist Church of Sussex for calling me to be your pastor, willing to journey together to see what God has in store for this ministry. I love each you more than you will ever know.


To God be the glory for all things...

Pastor Jenn

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